3 Sholudenka st., office 310 04116 Kyiv, Ukraine
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The unique feature of the study is combination of qualitative and quantitative methods when surveying respondents, as well as consideration of the special nature of categorization and non-metric data scaling. 90% of the time which goes into completing the survey is accounted for the open questions which allows maximizing the value of information obtained from each client. Mass phenomena recorded when performing the study are then subject to digitization and transformed into quantitative results at the processing stage.


The respondent is not asked to rate specific attributes of the product and the service system components, but rather inform whether he or she has certain comments / claims towards the company and assess the degree of their impact on overall relations with the company, the frequency of arising issues and how quickly the company addresses them. Aside from the comments, the respondent makes own suggestions as to what can be done to improve the company’s operating quality.


Upon completion of the study, we obtain the following information:


  • Share of completely satisfied customers;
  • Share of the customers who are generally satisfied with the service, yet have specific comments / claims which may have a further negative impact on the customers’ attitude towards the company, unless the latter addresses them promptly;
  • Share of the customers who are dissatisfied due to major recurrent issues arising in the course of cooperation with the company;
  • List and degree of occurrence of claims and comments by the customers from all components of the service system and ways to address them.

    On top of that, we provide comprehensive recommendations on how to improve the quality of the customer care, as well as the overall marketing mix of the company.


    Read article on using the ALADIS approach