Reliability and professionalism
Number in the register of audit entities - 2013
The company is included in section 4 of the register
Mandatory audit of financial statements (including consolidated financial statements) involves an independent review aimed at expressing the auditor's independent opinion on whether the statements, in all material aspects, comply with national accounting standards, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), or other applicable requirements. This review provides users of financial statements—such as owners, investors, and partners—with reliable information about the company’s financial position, operational results, and prospects.
In Ukraine, mandatory audit is regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Audit of Financial Statements and Auditing Activities" No. 2258-VIII and the Law of Ukraine "On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine" No. 996-XIV. These laws determine which enterprises are subject to mandatory audits, including:
An enterprise is considered large if, at the reporting date of the previous fiscal year, it meets at least two of the following criteria:
Additionally, mandatory audit is required by the Ukrainian Tax Code for medium-sized enterprises that are subject to corporate income tax.
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