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AIM Poland in Ukraine: Uniting opportunities and sharing experience

Yuriy Shchyrin
Author: Yuriy Shchyrin
Views: 1347
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December 2016

They say, strike the iron while it is hot. So, we yielded to the advice clearly understanding that  procrastination is the thief of time and opportunities. On December, 6-7, AIM Poland (BBS Obserwator) and AIM Ukraine met in Kiev to share their experience, to discuss and build up a strategy for further common development in Central Europe.

A two-day productive training on products, methods and markets opened an array of prospects and revealed a variety of ideas how AIM Ukraine and AIM Poland could be more useful for the clients operating in the countries of  Central Europe.

Both teams pointed out that their international cooperation would facilitate growth through providing their clients with a wider scope of services and solutions and guarantee that these services and solutions were of the highest quality as they had been tested and used in other markets by hundreds of companies. Multinational brands always evoke higher trust and can offer more as they  have a better understanding of clients' needs and expectations due to the knowledge and experience gained in various foreign markets. That is why the whole AIM team hopes for outstanding achievements of its clients, partners and AIM itself.   

Now when the plans are made and the work has started, we promise that there is even a greater deal of exciting news for you ahead!


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